Teams of Our Lady Endeavors
To promote personal and couple spiritual growth Teams of Our Lady proposes that its members undertake a number of specific practices. The aim of the endeavors is to keep couples focused on growth in mutual love and love of God. The team provides the support and encouragement needed to continue moving forward.
Regular reading of Scripture
Daily period of meditation (individual prayer)
Daily conjugal (couple) and family prayer
Monthly Sit Down with your spouse and Christ
Rule of Life: A private individual endeavor for improvement. This is reviewed regularly
An annual Team retreat
There are some additional responsibilities which we commit to when joining Teams of Our Lady. They are:
Pray the Magnificat prayer (Lk 1: 46-56) daily
Attend the monthly meetings
Prepare for the study topic
Make an annual contribution for the growth and sustenance of Teams, equal to one day’s wages.
Read the Teams of Our Lady newsletter
Complete the annual evaluation and recommitment
Show hospitality to fellow Teams couples and our fellow man
Attend Sector, Regional, National and International events whenever possible
Teams couples in leadership positions should make every effort to attend an extra Mass each week